[Stoves] Why Ujjwala Failed?

Nikhil Desai ndesai at alum.mit.edu
Sat May 4 14:26:58 CDT 2019


The game is over.

Please stop the theoretical claptrap on potential for clean combustion by
solid fuels to rebut Kirk Smith's theoretical claptrap on potential for
aDALYs by use of gas and electricity.

The chemistry of organic fuels and combustion is not at issue; the path
from science to markets is.

That pollutants lead to disease is also not at issue, by definition; the
path from emission rates to disease is.

I am afraid both are examples of abuse of science. You and other "stove
experts" fell victim to the Lima Consensus, the Hague IWA. At the ISO
TC-285, WHO and EPA won, you lost. All airy fancies of national standards
for international trade in solid fuel cookstoves for poor households were
chimera, excuses for pretense and grants.

Indian household LPG and piped gas are at least 60 years old. As also
electric coil heating of water or cooking.

"Clean" is Kirk Smith's bugaboo. He cooks up deaths and salvation (aDALYs)
to claim that people should forget renewability of biomass, climate damage
by GHGs and BC (including his own), rape prevention, gender equality, etc
because this is ONLY a health problem, the largest health problem in the

Yeah, right.

The British Parliament declared an Environment and Climate Emergency. Let
Modi declare a HAP Emergency, even as he does nothing about air quality or
hunger and undernutrition.

Indian women know their business. They don't earn grants or votes from
propaganda. They chose to stack. It is all contextual.

Gas is clean and convenient, here and now. In the maniacal science circles
Kirk Smith loiters around in the West, it took courage for him to write In
Praise of Petroleum and opinion pieces in support of LPG and electricity.
That his DALY and aDALY claims are based on dubious and deceptive
assumptions and methods is ignored by the media. With peer approval, he has
earned a license - er, contracts - to kill and to save pretty damsels, like
Roger Moore.

Nobody is going to be punished. Not Kirk Smith for declaring that all coal
is carcinogenic or that no biomass stove is "truly health protective". Nor
you for promising jobs and freedom from imports (fuel or experts).

Cooks have shown they want better charcoal stoves, gas stoves, electric
kettles and rice cookers; I believe the World Bank should popularize
electric induction stoves as grid demand management strategy and even for
carbon finance if the marginal peak power source is diesel.

That's a right button to push. Not Ajay and Kirk's aDALY button for Gold
Standard, Goldman Sachs, and GACC.


On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 2:02 PM Crispin Pemberton-Pigott <
crispinpigott at outlook.com> wrote:

> Dear Sujoy
> One aspect to investigate is how a fuel company (through the government)
> gets to say that other “fuels” are dirty, while they say theirs is “clean”,
> when there are clean-burning devices that use wood, kerosene and LPG, not
> to mention other fuels.
> This is straight perfidy.  A high crime, not a misdemeanour.  The
> pro-LPG-to-replace-wood-and-kerosene campaign is based on a lie: that fuels
> are to be rated, not the devices together with the fuels that use them.
> In short, they are not testing pollution in homes from modern devices *which
> are available* they are comparing them with old technologies and saying
> that the fuel itself is the cause of the problem, not the old stoves.
> Apples and oranges.
> So a kerosene lamp that is profoundly clean, is rated (in the mind of the
> program) as “dirty” not because it produces any “dirt” but because it uses
> kerosene.
> Thus, by their definition, all turbojet aircraft such as the Boeing 777
> Dreamliner and an Airbus A340 are “dirty” because they use kerosene as
> fuel. After all, the fuel is inherently dirty, then the aircraft must also
> be dirty. There are no clean results from dirty fuel, right?
> Same with wood. Don’t use a modern stove like Inyenyeri does, that is not
> allowed, because the fuel, wood, is “dirty” already, so no stove can be
> “clean”, right?
> I don’t care who is supporting the silly meme. If the program is marketed
> based on a lie to get subsidies and unfair smearing of competition with no
> right of reply, it should be stopped and the right people rightfully
> punished.
> Imagine how much good could be done promoting clean burning wood pellet
> stoves without any long term subsidy of the fuel, with all jobs created in
> India and no long term imported fuel!
> Find the right button and push it.
> Crispin
> Hi nikhil
> Design a study and let us bring forth.
> Regards
> Sujoy
> On 3 May 2019 22:19, "Nikhil Desai" <pienergy2008 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Darpan:
> This doesn't show that Ujjwala failed.
> The consumer prevailed. Stacking empowers women. Kirk Smith's public
> health fascism failed.
> I am curious if upper-income households in areas with improved grid
> reliability show growth in sales of electric kettles and water heaters,
> rice cookers, microwave and induction stoves.
> Forget fuel fetishism. Improving wood quality, charcoaling, and better
> combustion, are still marketable options.
> Or quality wood better be left for lumber. Let cooks and appliance sellers
> do what they want. Enough of "international standards" and aDALYs, academic
> junk.
> Nikhil
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nikhil Desai
> (US +1) 202 568 5831
> *Skype: nikhildesai888*
> On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 11:28 PM Darpan Das <darpandasiitb at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> https://m.timesofindia.com/india/why-ujjwala-hasnt-extinguished-chulha-in-rural-and-small-town-india/articleshow/69113519.cms
> <https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fm.timesofindia.com%2Findia%2Fwhy-ujjwala-hasnt-extinguished-chulha-in-rural-and-small-town-india%2Farticleshow%2F69113519.cms&data=02%7C01%7C%7C3c2a4b7a9b19499a57e108d6cfeb232e%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636925006138101924&sdata=FTj5gjqpypv7TUy94Dyp1r78nPbYP3jXjn8fpNDc33g%3D&reserved=0>
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