[Stoves] Fwd: Pyrolithic mass heater (but no facility to remove carbon?)

ajheggie at gmail.com ajheggie at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 05:59:35 CST 2023

On Tue, 21 Feb 2023 at 03:06, Ronal Larson <rongretlarson at comcast.net> wrote:
> Although the term Pyrolysis used - and looks like a TLUd in some ways, there was zero mention of char.  I’m pretty sure all  the char was consumed - which is OK.  Much better than starting with char made badly, and he’s probably right he has a clean stove.

Yes he definitely says it is burned out to ash, so the top down burn
and the diffuse secondary flame will morph into an updraught charcoal
burn until only ash remains. This is interesting  in itself as the
char will be burning out  with a low superficial velocity of air and I
wonder what the implications of carbon monoxide in the exhaust are if
a secondary flame is not sustained in this second phase (and I don't
believe it can be).

It wouldn't be  that difficult to arrange for the air to be totally
shut off when the pyrolysis front reached the bottom but this too may
have implications for unburnt products at the end.

Perceived wisdom is that to gasify the char in an updraught gasifier
and  have a secondary flame of carbon monoxide would require ramping
up the superficial velocity of the air, probably requiring a fan. This
is normally avoided in TLUD devices because the temperature gets far
too high for the container.
> The most interesting thing for me was the material seems to be a cast ceramic.

Yes I didn't pick up on what was in the concrete mix but it would be
something dense for it to function as a masonry stove, albeit top lit.
Probably high alumina cement??

I wonder if Norbert Senf is still reading here and would like to comment?


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