[Gasification] 2 MWe Gasifier at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Thomas Reed tombreed2010 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 16:59:32 CDT 2012

Dear Tom

Thanks for the progress report.  It hasn't been easy, but th need still for small Wod gasiifiers .exists  and it is heartening to hear of the progress.  

Tom Reed

Thomas B Reed 

On Jun 25, 2012, at 10:53 AM, "Tom Miles" <tmiles at trmiles.com> wrote:

> Thomas,
> Sounds like thinks haven’t changed much since the World Bank gasifier
> monitoring project in the 1980s. :-/
> Actually there are several operating systems in the world. As you say I
> think the percentage of low end gasifiers that are actually working may be
> pretty low.  When we get our gasification website back online we'll try to
> survey and report on some of these.  (We're under a major overhaul due to
> high traffic.)
> Any industrial gasifier or boiler is going to have to hit basic targets for
> efficiency and reliable operation whatever the targets are: 20-25% fuel to
> power (NCV); and,  4,000, 6,000, or 8,000 hours per year. I know of
> gasifiers that have difficulty making a few hours a day. You need at least
> 13 hours per day to make 4,000 hours per year (310 days).  
> The target for the UBC gasifier is 7500-8000 hours per year. They achieve
> that with their heat units. They operated a 250 kWe gasifier for 3,000
> hours. I saw it a couple of years ago at 1,000 hours. There have been many
> design changes since then. 
> Once the reliability of the 2 MWe system is demonstrated then you can build
> 6-8 MWe systems where you have significant economies over steam systems. But
> you need a good power contract (or savings) and you need a use for waste
> heat. We hear that Europe (UK, Italy) is the best place for good power
> contracts and high heating costs these days so we should see many
> gasification plants being built there.    
> Tom 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org
> [mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] On Behalf Of Thomas
> Koch
> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 11:16 PM
> To: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification; mark at ludlow.com
> Subject: Re: [Gasification] 2 MWe Gasifier at University of British
> Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
> Tom 
> I agree to your statement - give them some time before we ask too many
> questions. 
> Concerning you statement about Ankur - in the summer 2010 I visited 13
> gasifiers in Srilanka - 5 of them Ankur - none was working when I was there
> - they told me that they needed a rebuild of the hot zone every 2-3 weeks. 
> I also visited a gasifier from TERI - it have had 2-3 hours operation before
> the engine exploded and it was never put back in operation. To me it looked
> like they had never build a gasifier before. 
> Of the 13 gasifier 3 was in operation - and one producing electricity. 
> Thomas 
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org
> [mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] På vegne af Tom Miles
> Sendt: 25. juni 2012 05:50
> Til: 'Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification'; mark at ludlow.com
> Emne: Re: [Gasification] 2 MWe Gasifier at University of British Columbia,
> Vancouver, Canada
>> Dear Tom,
>>   Nice, pricey system.
>> Tom Taylor
> Tom,
> We find that the ones that are actually running all seem to be pricy. While
> we get estimates and budget quotes for 0.5-1 MWe systems at
> $4,000-$6,000/kWe, the ones that are actually running at 2MWe are
> $8,000-$10,000/kWe. The exceptions are the Sakata and Ankur gasifiers in
> Thailand. 
> Tom Miles
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