[Gasification] Difference between biomass and coal gasification

Mano Va gmmanovassm at gmail.com
Mon May 25 02:48:38 CDT 2015

HI Saiteja Chinta

I want to sare some points with u

I am interested in coal gasification where coal used is with high ash
content and less reactive

** High Ash content Leads to more Clinker formation *
** Its Difficult to continues operation*

Capacity of gasifier is around 30 Tons of coal per day and technology is
updraft fixed bed

**1.25 ton /hr Updraft Leads to more tar formation*

If the reactor is operated at high temperature to crack any tar, ash would
come out in molten form (Not desired) as conditions will cross ash melting

**If u maintained high temperature also in updraft moisture content and
 pyrolysis zone Tar wapers are mixed with gas*

So in this sense, tar generated after gas cooling be recycled into gasifier?

*May be Make some pellet form can reuse that tar mix with coal powder *

On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Saiteja Chinta <chinta.saiteja at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Thanks for the response, but I am once again stating my question with some
> specifications.
> I am interested in coal gasification where coal used is with high ash
> content and less reactive.
> Capacity of gasifier is around 30 Tons of coal per day and technology is
> updraft fixed bed.
> If the reactor is operated at high temperature to crack any tar, ash would
> come out in molten form (Not desired) as conditions will cross ash melting
> point.
> So in this sense, tar generated after gas cooling be recycled into
> gasifier?
> Regards,
> Saiteja
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