[Greenbuilding] Ecological Living Summit

Linder Welsh linderwelsh at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 14:48:23 CDT 2015

Dear Green Building Enthusiasts:

There is a magical thing happening at Sage Mountain Center, a demonstration
and education center on the Continental Divide of Montana June 15-19, 2015.
The Sage Mountaineers have embarked on a mission to host an Ecological
Living Summit. The Summit will expose participants to the wide variety of
skills and techniques necessary to live in harmony with natural systems in
cold climates.  Workshops will provide innovative and practical solutions
for self-sufficiency with regard to food, medicine, green building,
sustainable energy, ecosystem regeneration, and economic resilience.  Rooted
in experience-based learning and exposure to a wide variety of sustainable
solutions, attendees will benefit from the decades of experience held among
the educators in a wide variety of fields.

My partner Christopher and I built Sage Mountain Center using strawbale and
cordwood construction, passive solar design, thermal air panels, sun and
wind and basically every eco-building strategy practical for our ecosystem
that we read about. So SMC is a great place to come to see many green
building strategies in action! (see www.sagemountain.org)
Our first annual Ecological Living Summit June 15-19, 2015 is sure to
provide a transformative experience through inventive, relevant and hands
on education inspired by nature. Check it out at ecologicallivingsummit.com.
I hope you will come join our movement, share your ecological design
recipes, grow your networks and empower yourself as we learn together and
take action for positive change in our communities and world.

*Linda C. Welsh, BSN MA CHPN*
*Sage Mountain Center, LLC*
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