[Gasification] DIY GtL

Luke Gardner lgardner at wwest.net
Mon Jan 31 20:17:14 CST 2011

you mentioned  ---
This style of "GAS PUMP" could form the "suction system" required for running the gas producer. No doubt the water will become flammable over a period of time. 

the second barrel as you described is vented to the atmosphere I assume
I'm curiose,
how long does it take for the water to become flamable?
is it's flamability more linked to time or more linked to cycles?
how flamable can it become?
does this ever pose a threat of igniting through the vent?
 Luke Gardner

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: GF 
  To: gasification at lists.bioenergylists.org 
  Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 8:57 AM
  Subject: Re: [Gasification] DIY GtL

  Compressing flammable gas obviously can be hazardous, however those who are familiar with making the stuff will know the importance of the exclusion of "air" from any such installation.

  Natural gas distribution, arrives for domestic use here, at about 45 psi.from the city main.and is regulated down to around 11" wg. for burner use. This stuff is fairly nitrogen free being mostly methane and has a higher cal value than the wood  gas which is being debated. So  100 mm WG sounds a trifle low 
   for burner operation unless large pipes and burner jets are contemplated.
  There for compressing the gas is the answer.
  This can be safely achieved with the use of two (or more) 45 gallon plastic drums planted under ground for convenience, fitted with the required plumbing and a water pump system with pressure switch controls.
  The idea is that one barrel is filled with water and  is ready to "suck" gas, the water pump transfers the water into the other barrel drawing gas into the void being created as the water level drops..When the water entering the second drum has expelled all of the contained air in the second drum. This oscillating pumping system can begin.
  With the use of good quality check valves, sealed float switches and the use of "two pumps"  (the requirement for solenoid valves can be alleviated) 
  This style of "GAS PUMP" could form the "suction system" required for running the gas producer. No doubt the water will become flammable over a period of time. 


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Craig Kernan <craig at postcollapse.org>
  To: Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification <gasification at lists.bioenergylists.org>
  Sent: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 9:25 am
  Subject: Re: [Gasification] DIY GtL

  I would also like information 
  On 1/31/2011 1:44 AM, Li CHEN wrote: 
  > Hi Rolf, 
  > In China, there are hundreds of villages using fuel gas > station...(gasifier --> producer gas --> pipe line --> end user). 
  > I find some chinese documents about using pipeline to provide producer > gas. 
  > About pipeline part:, it uses: 
  > From gas tank to end user, outside underground pipeline: high-density > polyehytlene (designed life: 50 years). 
  > Inside or outside ground pipeline: steel pipe. 
  > Pressure before end user gas burner: 100mm H2O. 
  > I will send you offlist some figures about the gas storage tank figure. 
  > Li 
  > Le 30/01/2011 19:39, Rolf Uhle a écrit : 
  >> Hallo Brian, Doug and list, 
  >> this looks amazing ! The filtering seems to be very good. 
  >> You and Doug seem to have experience with stocking producer gas. 
  >> May I ask you some questions ? 
  >> We have 5 separate houses/cabins on our land , all of them with solar >> and 
  >> individual wood and /or almond shell burning fireplaces . 
  >> All of them are hidronic underfloor systems with hot sanitary water >> tanks . 
  >> The distances between these houses make a central water heat >> distribution 
  >> system rather inviable. 
  >> We are off grid and run electricitywise on solar, wind and micro hydro. 
  >> There is a backup generator slow speed diesel running on WVO. 
  >> My idea is to connect all houses to a single gassifier of around 40 >> -50 kW gas 
  >> output and store a few hours gas in a gasometer and have the gassy >> start and 
  >> stop and run at close to full output as the gasometer level demands >> so as to 
  >> give it " an easy life " tarwise. 
  >> The clean and cool gas could run through ordinary PE pipes to the >> individual 
  >> houses where it should burn in gas furnaces. 
  >> A part of it could run the Listeroid genset which already works in >> chp mode. 
  >> I remember systems like this being built in Switzerland until 30-40 >> years ago 
  >> for large kitchens and heating boilers in hotels and other remote >> buildings 
  >> in the mountains. The manufacturer was located in Horgen on Lake Zurich. 
  >> I would have to dive very deep into my old records to find him... 
  >> I attended the Germany GEK workshop with Jim last year, but he seems >> to busy 
  >> to have time to spare for me. It is a pity. 
  >> Questions: 
  >> Do you have a gassifier of that range 40 - 50 kW gas, not engine kW ? 
  >> Do you think that after scrubbing the gas could be "compressed " >> slightly to 
  >> 300-400 mb and stored in a gasometer ? 
  >> Has anybody sent producer gas through PE pipes over 150 m ? 
  >> Where do you expect the real difficulties ? 
  >> Looking foreward to your answer. 
  >> Rolf 
  >> Am Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011 18:06:37 schrieb Brian D Paasch: 
  >>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:10 PM, doug.williams wrote: 
  >>>> To finger the problem of using industrial scale producer gas, is that 
  >>>> most large systems are not tar free, and if you need to compress >>>> the gas, 
  >>>> technical challenges come thick and fast. 
  >>> Doug, 
  >>> Oh goodness yes! We've not been willing to TOUCH the compression >>> challenges 
  >>> until we got our gas pretty darn clean. I'm cautiously optimistic with 
  >>> where we are at on that task: 
  >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNypVoZg3VA 
  >>> And right now we're planning on three separate compression steps with 
  >>> additional filters between each step. 
  >>> And thanks for the pointer to your archives, I will certainly browse! 
  >>> -brian 
  >>> --------------------------------------- 
  >>> Indiana Renewables, LLC 
  >>> 6600 Karyn Drive 
  >>> Avon, Indiana 46123 
  >>> ph: 317-272-7939 
  >>> fax: 317-536-5326 
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