[Gasification] Gasification or Pyrolysis + AbsorptionChiller for Fruit
Pannirselvam P.V
pannirbr at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 14:03:31 CDT 2014
Dear list members
The integrated Referigeration and Heat pump for waste energy recovery
using biogas gas based ic engine , direct mechanical power input
for ic eng is being developed to small milk producing industry by
unicamp , Brasil. Tthe project Dr Paul here correctly pointed out , as
very important rural enegy demand was well studied by this unicamp
university project Sao Paulo.
The master level reserach thesis report page , one can get more detail
from the link given here below
The water-to-water heat pump was developed for simultaneous production of
ice or water frozen
for cooling of the milk and hot water for cleaning and disinfection of the
facilities and
equipment. For operation of the developed heat pump a gas converted engine
motor was used,
allowing the use of the biogas produced by cow manure biodigestion, this
provides a low cost
source of rewable energy, besides the adequate treatment of the animal
wastes and the
production of bio-fertilizer of great quality. Three prototypes were
assembled, two were
installed in the laboratory and one in the field, for tests with biogas.
The obtained results
showed a potential of economy of the order of 92% when compared the
equipment and the electric heater. When compared with electric energy, the
potential of
economy of the heat pump still was in the order of 65%.
The chacoal , along with produce gas ,syngas or pyrogas based ic
engine can be used in stead of biogas. This hotwater and cold ice
producing sysrem are very energy efficient with more economical return fir
rural area.
the gree trancritical c02 comercial heat pump practiced in japon can
be made possible also in serveral tropical country for fruit production .we
are open to exchange details the project to make poosible the optimium
design to fruit poreservation in remote rural area in Brasil.
Thanking Tom bringing simple boiler steam production alernative , is
less expensive , less complex .However small chp steam can have battery
inaddtion to ice and chaxoal , making poosible more flexible coproducts
Your truely
Pannirselvam P.V
[image: --]
Pannirselvam Pagandai V
[image: http://]about.me/pannirbr
On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Tom Miles <tmiles at trmiles.com> wrote:
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> Kelly,
> Very helpful. If you are in an environment with high electricity prices is
> it worth considering getting to 40F with an absorption chiller and going
> further with the electro-mechanical chiller? Or does the capital cost kill
> it?
> Put another way, would it be better to us your Proton unit (
> http://www.protonpower.com/ ) to generate electricity to drive an
> electromechanical chiller, or to use the heat to pre-chill and power to
> finish? How much refrigeration can you produce from the 250 kWe Proton
> using either method?
> Thanks
> Tom
> *From:* Gasification [mailto:gasification-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org]
> *On Behalf Of *Kelly Burnham
> *Sent:* Monday, August 25, 2014 8:52 AM
> *To:* Discussion of biomass pyrolysis and gasification
> *Subject:* Re: [Gasification] Gasification or Pyrolysis + Absorption
> Chiller for Fruit
> Tom,
> There might be an issue with getting down to 36F with an absorption
> machine. We sold many steam fired abs chillers at Trane and the best we
> could do was 40F, which was better than the catalogue, so we were going
> lower than the manufacturer said we could.
> We.sold a few hydro-cooler chillers for cherries here in the Okanagan and
> our target LWT was around 30F. We found the best way to get there was
> a.packaged air-cooled eletro-mechanical (vapour cycle) chiller.
> My 2bits.
> Kelly
> On Aug 14, 2014 9:09 AM, "Tom Miles" <tmiles at trmiles.com> wrote:
> In the tropics there are needs for making char and cooling fruit. Has
> anyone coupled a small pyrolyzer or gasifier up with a boiler and an
> absorption chiller? What sizes and capacities make sense? We're looking at
> a fuel input of 2-3 tpd. How much char can I make and what practical
> refrigeration capacity can I generate? I am assuming that the chiller can
> get down to about 36 F (2 C). The cooler the better.
> Thanks
> Tom
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