[Stoves] Cleaning Dung

George Riegg Gambia icecool at qanet.gm
Fri Feb 10 11:39:49 CST 2012

Boston / Richard

Some time ago I got hold of a cowdung report from
Contact Name: Dr Cheryl D. Mvula

Tel: + 44 (0)1227 272078

Email: cdmvula at aol.com

Web: www.tribal-voice.co.uk

who have been active in the Masai Mara early 2009. I attach the PDF - hope it's not to heavy.


George from the jungle (on the run)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Richard Stanley 
  To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves 
  Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 5:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [Stoves] Cleaning Dung

  Boston, we work with  a great husband and wife fuel briquette training team by the name of Francis and Mary Kavita who know all about cleaningvdung for fuel. They just perfected use of cow dung blended with other 'takataka' for briquette fuel in the Masai Mara over the past three months: They managed Elephant dung in western/southern  Mombassa earlier this past year and they are at work on camel dung for a project in Somalia presently.

  Its a case of really crappy work done well...

  They live i up in Miumbuni village, in the former Makweni District of Kenya. It s only about 3 hrs east of Nairobi but it takes about a week to get an email to them. Their son receives it in the city, then writes it all out  longhand, then posts that to them by snail mail .

  It will tale a couple of weeks to realise full turn around if they are not off on another training assignment somewhere but I'll give it a shot if you need that kind of information —at least as  it pertains to briquette-making.

  Richard Stanley

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Feb 10, 2012, at 9:06, Boston Nyer <bostonnyer at gmail.com> wrote:


    I'm looking to clean/rinse cow dung and do not have any experience doing so.  Does anyone have any experience cleaning dung and would like to share?  

    Thank you!

    Skype: BostonNyer
    Cell: (585) 503-3459


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