[Stoves] Stoves Digest, Vol 36, Issue 16

Lloyd Helferty lhelferty at sympatico.ca
Sun Aug 11 20:27:17 CDT 2013


  Try Harry Stokes, "Project Gaia".


  They are a member of The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC).

Apparently they won a national /Energy Globe/ award for Ethiopia for 
their project that placed Clean Cook stoves into a very remote refugee 
camp in Ethiopia near the Somali border...

  They use "micro distilleries" inside the communities, rather than 
those large-scale systems that one normally finds deployed (by large 
corporations) in developing countries:

  I first came across Harry and his team when I was researching and 
promoting the Worldstove (biomass gasifier) in Haiti because I thought 
that there would be some great /synergies/ between the two types of stoves:

    1. A biomass [gasifier] stove that uses (for instance) [pelletized]
    sugarcane bagasse (waste) as the "fuel", and produces biochar that
    can then be put into [depleted] soils (like in Haiti)... and used to
    grow more (sugarcane) biomass...

    2. An ethanol stove that uses bio-alcohol (bioethanol) that is made
    from the sugarcane biomass [that is grown in the biochar amended
    soils]. The processing of the sugarcane to produce the bioethanol
    also produces bagasse (waste) which can then be used by the biomass
    [gasifier] stove to make more biochar that can be used in the soil
    to grow more sugarcane...

  (It's called "Industrial Ecology", and it makes sense in a lot of 
cases.  Just talk to anyone in the American Chemical Society... or Yale 
University ... and all those folks trying to develop 
"eco-industrial parks".  This is what China's "/Circular Economy/" 
concept is based upon. It can also be done at a "smaller scale". Just 
talk to people like *Folke Günther* at Uppsala University in Malmö...)

  I thought that is would be a great "synergy" between two different 
types of stoves.
Note: Roger Samson from REAP Canada ( http://www.reap-canada.com/ ) was 
also involved in some of those conversations.
(Unfortunately Nathaniel M. did not think it was a very good idea at the 
time, and provided some rather "harsh" words to me for "promoting" 
/another /company's stove!  He also thought that Ethanol was "/not a 
good short term solution (for Haiti). Not until the soil is better/".)


   Lloyd Helferty, Engineering Technologist
   Principal, Biochar Consulting (Canada)
   48 Suncrest Blvd, Thornhill, ON, Canada
   CELL: 647-886-8754
      Skype: lloyd.helferty
   Steering Committee coordinator
   Canadian Biochar Initiative (CBI)
   President, Co-founder & CBI Liaison, Biochar-Ontario
   National Office, Canadian Carbon Farming Initiative (CCFI)
   Come learn about biochar in October:
   Member of the Don Watershed Regeneration Council (DWRC)
   Manager, Biochar Offsets Group:
    Advisory Committee Member, IBI

"Technology is only a tool.  Sustainability is determined not by the the individual technologies, but rather how -- and even whether -- we decide to use them."
    - Lloyd Helferty

On 2013-08-11 12:05 PM, Philip Lloyd wrote:
> Just to repeat a request I made earlier (and which may have gotten lost in a
> welter of stuff I failed to delete before I replied :-}) Are there no longer
> any bioenergy stovers working on bioethanol fuels in the whole wide world?
> Keep burning
> Philip Lloyd
> Energy Institute
> Cape Peninsula University of Technology
> PO Box 652, Cape Town 8000
> Tel:021 460 4216
> Fax:021 460 3828
> Cell: 083 441 5247
> lloydp at cput.ac.za

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