[Stoves] Break Even Ecological Footprint

Josh Kearns yeah.yeah.right.on at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 13:35:53 CDT 2013

It's a good gesture. But the efficacy of purchased offsets is hard to
verify, and often of dubious benefit.

Also, the bulk of the impact of digital devices comes from the
manufacturing phase, not the use phase:


On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Erin Rasmussen <erin at trmiles.com> wrote:

> The computers that host the web sites and email discussions are all on an
> ISP that buys 130% wind offsets from their power company. So we're not
> doing
> too badly there. I also recommend small attachments, reducing the size of
> photos and using other measures to keep messages to the point and low
> impact.
> kind regards, Erin
> -----Original Message-----
> Similar to your analysis I just wonder how much electricity is needed to
> sustain the storage of all these posts and webpages yet, apparently, we
> cannot justify a little <4W fan a couple of hours a day to run a stove in
> the most deprived areas.
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Josh Kearns
PhD Candidate, Environmental Engineering
University of Colorado-Boulder
Visiting Researcher, North Carolina State University

Director of Science
Aqueous Solutions

Mobile: 720 989 3959
Skype: joshkearns
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