[Stoves] Oils etc in char is good for plants??? was Re: This Stove can Save 4 big trees and $884 every year

Paul Anderson psanders at ilstu.edu
Tue Aug 13 11:44:21 CDT 2013

Dear readers,

I am moving this topic from the Stoves Listserv to the basic Biochar 
Listserv.   Please place replies to the Biochar group.

Erin, this is the first time I have heard such a statement (below).

Hugh McLaughlin has a strong preference for biochars that have minimal 
tars and oils.

With many types of plants and soils and chars, there are sure to be 
different results that can support either position.   What evidence is 
there, and what should be told to the novice users of biochar?


Paul S. Anderson, PhD  aka "Dr TLUD"
Email:  psanders at ilstu.edu   Skype: paultlud  Phone: +1-309-452-7072
Website:  www.drtlud.com

On 8/13/2013 11:21 AM, Erin Rasmussen wrote:
> From Paul's message:
> >Other issues:  What about all those other tars and oils and vapors 
> that are combustible but for which there is not sufficient Oxygen 
> inside > the biomass molecules?   Are you expecting this to drain?   
> Or to remain inside the "char" that would be loaded with such 
> "gunk"?    That > would be interesting char for burning, but not as 
> biochar for soils and plants.
> Actually, a lot of plants like the extra tars and vapors to be in the 
> char. Some of the most oily chars I've gotten a chance to test, have 
> been the ones that plants like. So it's good to widen the pool of 
> chars that we are looking at to include some of the other processes 
> that use the energy from the charmaking process to do useful things.
> Erin Rasmussen
> erin at trmiles.com
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