[Stoves] Climate Panel Cites Near Certainty on Warming

Andrew C. Parker acparker at xmission.com
Tue Aug 20 16:20:38 CDT 2013

Carbon neutral and carbon negative are primarily funding issues (marketing  
issues in developed countries).  The vast majority of end users simply do  
not care.

The biochar list was started for those with a particular interest in  
carbon negative stoves and gasifiers.  Even there, where there is a  
friendlier audience (with notable exceptions), the discussion of climate  
change is moot and an unnecessary distraction.

Heated discussions over belief, while at times entertaining, are  
destructive in the long term.  That is why there have long been societal  
taboos on the discussion of religion and politics.

Time on these lists is far better spent on intense and lengthy discussions  
of nomenclature. ;-)

Andrew Parker

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