[Stoves] Going back to 3-Stone Fire [Was Re: Chinaandcookstoves]

tmiles at trmiles.com tmiles at trmiles.com
Fri Dec 22 18:01:48 CST 2017



It is helpful to know what you intend to do. You need to also understand the needs of others on the list and realize that people are not going to run out and do your bidding just because you lecture to us all on the list. Many of your posts have been helpful but many more have been unnecessary and dysfunctional.   


I have personally sponsored and hosted this list for more than 20 years for the purpose of developing and disseminating improved cooking stoves.  The list is intended for ALL members of the stoves community to help each other find solutions to common problems. It is a place for finding constructive solutions. Hundreds of subscribers to this list have practical issues they want to address with others who are currently working in the field.


It is not a blog for repeatedly making the same complaints and allegations about others in the community, or flaming individuals or organizations, as you have done. You should assume that you are having a conversation in my living room and behave accordingly. As I have told you offline your repeated allegations of conspiracy and manipulation have been a problem. We have been hearing the same litany of complaints for more than a year. Many people tell me that they stopped reading your posts months ago. You have managed to drive several important contributors out of the conversation. Employees of the organizations that you malign have shown you the courtesy of being open to dialogue but they have been reluctant to react to your constant and repetitive criticism. The volume and nature of your posts demand extra time and attention from everyone. I manage the list with the generous voluntary help of Andrew and others. We have been patient and tolerant with you for more than a year. You need to step aside and give others opportunities to discuss their issues without getting your reaction to every post. You can respond to people offline and spare us all agony of hearing the same arguments and criticisms. Take a sabbatical and enjoy the holidays.      


Happy Holidays






From: Stoves [mailto:stoves-bounces at lists.bioenergylists.org] On Behalf Of Nikhil Desai
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 7:40 PM
To: Discussion of biomass cooking stoves <stoves at lists.bioenergylists.org>
Subject: Re: [Stoves] Going back to 3-Stone Fire [Was Re: Chinaandcookstoves]




I provide advice when asked by those can act upon them. 

My direct contacts remain private unless the person I contact urges me to make the content public. 

Please suggest which offices I should visit in Washington, DC and what good that would do. I am unable to travel elsewhere in US at this time. I am easy to reach and any factual or logical errors in my writings can be exposed right here on this list. 

Could you please identify 10-20 of the 200 odd projects you mentioned with evaluation reports, so I can start with the first paper I volunteered for last week? 

Then I can contextualize my second planned essay for a particular economic geography where new types of applied R&D and stove/fuel programs might be effective. 

I don't see any theory or hopes of change in the ISO TC-285 or WHO Indoor Air. I should try to go to Geneva and Eschborn, Vienna. Maybe after 2018 is over. I am still waiting to see if UNF continues to be secretive, evasive, unaccountable fiefdom of Ted Turner.; 

What do you advise? 


Nikhil Desai

(US +1) 202 568 5831
Skype: nikhildesai888


On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 11:21 AM, <tmiles at trmiles.com <mailto:tmiles at trmiles.com> > wrote:



So what will you do with this list?  Do  you personally intend to lead an effort to change testing protocols and emissions policies? I don’t see how that is possible if you are not willing, or able, to visit the offices in Washington, DC,  New York, or conferences, committee meetings, or project sites  in Seattle, or New Delhi, and elsewhere.  






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