[Stoves] The Year of Tasting Deliciously

Inyenyeri info at inyenyeri.com
Fri Mar 29 16:07:25 CDT 2019

Savoring a year of clean cooking, experiencing Rwanda in VR, new research on just how clean it is.

The Year of Tasting Deliciously
Around the world, one clean bite at a time
We are just back from two great events--the One Planet Summit in Nairobi, and Africa Climate Week in Accra. At both, some of the women who help run our company were cooking up fresh mandazi (fried bread, with a bit of powdered sugar on top) for very appreciative crowds, as a way of showcasing our clean cooking solution.

Last week was also an anniversary of sorts--it's now been a year since we did this for the first time. At more than a half dozen events on three continents, from five star hotels to luxury conference centers, we've been proving just how clean our Fuel+Stove system is through the simple yet profound act of cooking inside. Most people don't even believe the stove is on until we show them the flames. The takeaway for them is clear: if it's clean enough for a five star hotel, you know it's clean enough to use in your home--see below for new research data proving just how clean it is.

Experiencing Clean Cooking--Virtually
Tasting is one thing, but seeing is believing. At both events we were guests of the World Bank, showcasing our partnership (https://inyenyeri.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d311672b6454d8e46857e4e76&id=98c86b9fdd&e=a4db8f2240) in the Carbon Initiative for Development, or Ci-Dev program.  And as part of that effort, they created an innovative Virtual Reality experience. In four minutes, users could immerse themselves in two homes along a road in the village of Kibere, Rwanda, first experiencing traditional ways of cooking, then using our system.  We took hundreds of people on a short trip to Rwanda, and soon we hope to be able to share this experience remotely with the rest of you; we'll update you as soon as it's available.

"LPG like performance"
Independent research validates cleanliness claims
New research from in-field studies has backed up our claims about just how clean our system is. In a webinar for the Clean Cooking Alliance, North Carolina State University researcher Dr. Andrew Grieshop, showed just how clean our Fue+Stove system is, calling it "LPG like" and noting that its use "leads to enormous benefits."

You can watch the entire webinar on this study here (https://inyenyeri.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d311672b6454d8e46857e4e76&id=92376a04c0&e=a4db8f2240) (the Inyenyeri portion starts about 36 minutes in).
Economia Magazine profile

Link to the story is here (https://inyenyeri.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d311672b6454d8e46857e4e76&id=46e55bc72f&e=a4db8f2240) .
Happy customers are repeat customers
Getting a customer is a lot easier when something is free--like when India handed out millions of stoves and free LPG tanks (https://inyenyeri.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d311672b6454d8e46857e4e76&id=7b42b5b4dd&e=a4db8f2240) . The harder part comes when they have to pay for the service (https://inyenyeri.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d311672b6454d8e46857e4e76&id=3740056856&e=a4db8f2240) . That's why we were so happy to see this independent survey result of our customers, showing exceptionally high customer satisfaction. They're demonstrating their satisfaction in the way that matters most--using our service regularly. According to our most recent Key Performance Indicator monthly report, more than 91% of our customers are "active," meaning making regular fuel purchases. And for our customers at Kigeme Refugee Camp, it's even higher: 99% every month.

Thank you for your interest in our work. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please email info at inyenyeri.com.

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